As mentioned in my last post, I want to make Momocolor's Momo29 Olga/ Sophie tan skin the Forest Fairy. However, I don't have the funds right now. I bought a Dollfie Dream a while ago, so no luck. A new fullset Sophie appeared a while ago, but she is 100$ more just because of her outfit O.o And Olga tan skin is limited.... Anyway here is a list of things I have to get to complete Forest Fairy:
-Momo29 Olga tan skin
-Green 14mm eyes
-Woody/leafy looking outfit
For the character...
Forest Fairy is a shy character. She is not nervous around other fairies, but when possible, she will hide behind a tree. She observes and cares for the forest and it's plants only. Even though she is shy, she is not scared of humans (meaning she isn't afraid they will hurt her). She is one of the fairies with a stronger power - after all, she has to care for the whole forest.